Here's a template I've cut ready to decorate a large bowl. The drawing below is where the idea started. I use templates for the more illustrative images as I can be sure to get them in the centre of the bowl.
When I felt I couldn't draw another bee, beetle or butterfly I went out for a walk to find some feathers. I didn't manage to find many and the rain came down in the bargain so I got quite wet. We live just five minutes walk from a nature reserve with three lakes. The lakes were created by excavating for sand. Now the excavation is finished there are some attractive lakes and-here's the point-birds! Anyway they weren't obliging enough to leave any feathers. I think the few I did collect were once pigeon.
The feathers I drew into a sketch book and then worked directly from the drawings onto a few bowls.
The children who came to my pottery class made these Easter baskets. It was a bit of a rush last week to get them all fired and filled with chocolate eggs and bunnies in time for Easter. I was dashing around Thursday afternoon delivering them.
This little chap is by a 10 year old boy who has never used clay before. For a first attempt I think it is delightful and it was a joy to see his face when he saw it fired and glazed.
September Diary 2024
Hello and welcome to my monthly diary. This is the first time that I’ve
posted my diary on here, after seven and a half years of writing every
month for ...
3 months ago