Saturday, 22 November 2008

Farnham Art in Clay

I enjoyed a day out at Art in Clay today.It's good to see other people's work but also it was good to meet up with old and new friends. I was able to meet Andrew which was good as we follow each others blog.
This is for Hannah just to show that we met Niek and Pim and passed on her regards. That's an excellent jug there just in front of Pim. It's always motivational to see other potter's work.

Thursday, 13 November 2008


This week has seen me trying to get some 'good ' photographs taken. I know almost nothing about photography but I didn't let that deter me! I set up a backdrop in the studio and gathered all the lamps I could lay my hands on. If a good photograph could be taken by sheer determination I was going to get one. But I have to say for all my determination the photographs weren't very inspiring. (I've seen those ones they use in food photography where an egg and a cracked bowl look good.You know the sort).
Anyway, after spending some time on the enterprise I packed up. Then a glimmer of sun came out and in my welly boots I rushed into the garden armed with camera and pots. I was sliding about in the mud but still determined took a few pictures.
Today I have been throwing and slipping. I've had to finish for the day as I've run out of space. My studio is quite small. It's fairly damp out there today so I am hoping the big bowls will hold up now that I've slipped them. I don't think I'll get them into the kitchen like Paul as given damp in the studio versus three boys in the kitchen I know where they are safest! There will be plenty of turning and slipping to do tomorrow.

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Where do all the feathers go?

Although we live on a council estate I still see plenty of birds. Just in the last day I've seen wrens,robins, magpies, blackbirds, bluetits, crows, pigeons and the lesser spotted woodpecker. But I still see very few feathers. I decided that I would record all the feathers that I found but as yet the sheet of paper is hardly half full. I am then drawing the feathers onto my pots.
Well I'm doing this in my lunch break got to get back to my last casserole now!