I have had a very slow week. Doing things for the family like trips to the dentist and lifts to and from school have used quite a slice of time. I have loads of pots under polythene but very little finished.
The bowl above is a regular pouring/mixing bowl I make. I want to try and use this shape and adapt it to take illustrations. I like the way the shape encloses space whereas my other bowls are very open. Also I thought it would be interesting to see the lettering standing vertically and going around the pot.
Here are some I've experimented with this week. I am not quite there with the decoration yet. I would like to use horses as a decorative motif and I am sure I've seen some sgraffito bowls somewhere with horses but I cann't remember where! I could really do with designated blocks of time to develop my drawing but with four children I have to spread my time out sometimes. Good job there is a whole new fresh week next week to explore all these ideas.