Friday, 21 August 2009


I bought the tankard on the right on ebay recently. I recognised it as being by the same potter who made the puzzle jug. I don't know any more about him now than I did before. His name was P.C. Brown and worked in Gloucestershire. I bought the tankard in about 1970 when I was a student and knew nothing about slipware.
For anyone in London on the week-end of 18th of September there some interesting ceramic event. Of course Hannah is at Ceramics in the City at the Geffrye Museum and there is also the opening of the ceramic galleries at the Victoria and Albert Museum.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Day trips

On Friday my youngest son and I went to London. We had a meal in China Town before heading for the newly opened Medieval gallery in The British Museum. It was inspirational. It's almost like going into a church because it's somehow imbued with a sense of awe and sacredness. Odd in many ways because although many of the objects would have religious connections equally many would have been used in everyday life. I think the potters would be amazed to see their pots in this setting and not filled with ale on some rustic table. There were large jugs with lively applied decoration. There is one below with low relief modelling of a hunting scene.
I particularly like the small sgraffito bowl from Cyprus.

I've also included a few pots from the 18th century gallery.
Last Thursday I went to collect more clay from the clay pit. There is something wonderful about seeing the clay at source. The pit above is now a pond and teeming with large fish. As I approached the water I was very surprised to see the fish approaching us.
The clay on the trolley is fresh out of the pug mill and on its way to be turned into Kent peg tiles. What a sight though all that soft, plastic warm coloured clay.
This is the pile of clay mine has come from. I thought I might follow the pots from clay pit to finished pot. The clay appears to contain plenty of coarse grit but the grit is in fact lime. I have to remove the lime or it will blow out of the pot or bits will flake away where the lime is embedded. Last time I wedged and kneaded it extensively and picked out as much as I could but this time I am thinking of slatting it down and sieving it. If anyone has any ideas please pass them on.