Tuesday, 21 July 2009

This weeks news

The wassail bowl above was meant to be for the competition at
Pots in the Park. The title of the competition is 'cultural connections'. Being from Wales I made all the connections and culture Welsh. But sad to say that there is shimmering on the edges so it won't be coming with me to Penrith. Unfortunately I did it when the weather was hot and it was drying up too quickly.

This is the view of the garden from the studio. With the kiln on the room gets very hot so I have to keep the door open. On Saturday we went to visit friends in Deal as it was their Open Studio .My friend ,Annie Spencer-Smith is a photographer and specialises in black and white photographs. She has included my pots in some of her work. I am thinking of using some of them as part of my backdrop at Pots in the Park.
The pier is at Deal. The weather was glorious and we were able to enjoy our lunch on the beach. Though that was probably the only bit of the day that two teenage boys enjoyed! Being escorted to artists studios was not their idea of fun!


  1. Wow that bowl is a beauty , too bad about the shivering. Still a great pot!

  2. Wow, deal beach looks tropical !

  3. beautiful wassail bowl

  4. Awesome bowl..great to see your works..u have a great talent..keep going..

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