Thursday, 24 June 2010

New Ceramics Gallery

On Monday I made my second trip to the Chinese visa office. Not wanting to waste a god day out I went along to the Museum of London. I just made a bee line to the medieval section to look at the pots. There weren't a huge number and they were too dark for my camera to pick out. The two pictures above show some Tudor pots.
I was left feeling very disappointed and I couldn't help almost harbouring a sort of grudge against the curators and thinking that they might be keeping all the best pots hidden somewhere. (for their own pleasure of course)!
So not feeling I had my pottery fix I went along to the V and A as I remembered they were opening the next phase of the ceramics galleries.
Nothing had prepared me for the ballistic volley of pots that met me there. Never have I seen so many pots together. Floor to ceiling, room after room. I wasn't sure whether to jump up and down with excitement or to take cover.
Of course there are thousands of wonderful pots there so I will definitely return though I cann't help thinking that being vertically challenged I'll never see any of those pots on those high shelves.

( Just a footnote to let you know I returned to visa office today and successfully retrieved visa for one 14 year old to fly out to China).


  1. wow, that is pot heaven, what a treat.

  2. oh me oh my more stuff at the v&a. hmmm, not down till September but I will be going back there of course!
