I've been watering my cuttings in the green house tonight. I don't think they will survive the week-end if the weather is as hot as today. I have had very little time for gardening this year but at the moment it is still a great pleasure to sit in the garden when the weather is as beautiful as it was today. Have been getting things ready for Art in Clay at Hatfield today. There seems so much to pack! Also been trying to repair our tent as we'll be camping there. Some of the poles needed replacing and my concentration was seriously lacking as I tried to measure each pole accurately. It constantly amazes me how many task unrelated to pottery have to be done to bring everything together.
September Diary 2024
Hello and welcome to my monthly diary. This is the first time that I’ve
posted my diary on here, after seven and a half years of writing every
month for ...
Yorktown Virginia
On Sunday, after our museum day, Wesley and I drove to Yorktown Va. I am
so glad we ventured out looking for a waterfront on this trip. I had to
Work In Progress
The first exhibition we will be holding in 2018 is titled
It is to be a collaboration between
Adam Oehlers and Nom Kinnear King
Two arti...
Glazing and Glazed
This batch of tall jars and vases was constructed and bisc fired before I
went away to Nepal in March, so though initially a struggle to tune back in
New Year and new opportunities (I hope).
The United Colours of Disarmament
Oh my! It’s so cold in Granada in the winter!
The closing weeks of 2016 have been a series of tragic, comic and downright...
Making Some Progress
Okay, don't pass out. Two blog posts in one week!
Yesterday I had a reporter come out from The Thompson Report to do an
interview with me and shoot som...
A caravan and a kitchen
Thank you for all the lovely comments on my last post, I was surprised
that anybody is still out there reading this blog, I'd neglected it so
Our House is For Sale!
After 6 great years in PR, we’ve decided to move back to the US mainland.
Therefore our house/pottery studio/gallery is for sale. If you’ve always
wanted t...
I hope that it all goes well. the tent doesn't fall down, you sell lots of pots and have a great time. Bowls look fantastic